Services for Students Experiencing Homelessness
Which students qualify for services?
Students who do not have a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence qualify for services
Examples but not limited to:
Living with friends or relatives due to economic difficulty
Living in a campground or campsite
Unaccompanied Youth (young persons not in the care of an adult)
What should you do if you think your student might qualify?
Call your child’s school and ask to be contacted by the McKinney-Vento liaison.
The liaison will contact you to discuss your situation and decide if you qualify
If you qualify, support for your student will begin
If it is determined that you do not qualify but you disagree, contact the McKinney-Vento liaison or the Federal Programs office
McKinney-Vento Liaison 605-856-3503 ext 2407
Federal Programs Director 605-856-3502 ext 2115
If your student qualifies what kind of services are available?
Services are dependent on the needs of each individual student.
All students are able to enroll and attend school immediately
All students qualify for free lunch
All students have access to clothing, personal hygiene supplies, and school supplies provided by the district.
Some students qualify for additional services that are necessary to eliminate barriers to school attendance and school success such as help with transportation
Many students and their families are referred to other agencies for additional services provided in the community
What does McKinney-Vento not do?
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act does not provide funding for:
Medical services
Cell phones
Storage rent
Motel rent
Just need to discuss your student’s situation with someone?
The McKinney-Vento liaison is available on all days that school is in session 8 am to 4 pm.
The office is located in the Todd County High School.
You may call 605-856-3503 or the cell phone for the liaison is 605-389-3416.
Of course, your school principal or counselor is also available if you prefer to discuss the situation with them first.