Mission Volunteer Fire & Rescue
Contact: Cassie Beckwith /
cassiebeckwith@missionfirerescue.org /
Lakota AI Code Camp-The Lakota AI Code Camp began in 2022 when the team collaborated to plan and implement a vision for inspiring Native students to pursue pathways into higher education and careers in advanced technology fields. After camp concluded the team recognized the success of the Lakota AI Code Camp and set off on an adventure to sustain the momentum they created and founded their 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, IndigiGenius. In 2023, students from our 2022 cohort returned to the camp in 2023 with the goal of building on their previous experience and to help inspire new students coming to the camp. Three-week camp for high school students.
Contact: Mason Grimshaw / mason@indigigenius.org
Deadline to Apply: March 1
Dates: June 8 - June 27
Location: Black Hills State University, Spearfish
Cost: Free
SNETP (Sicangu Nation Employment & Training Program)- The Sicangu Nation Employment & Training Program is a public law 102-477 program which consolidates funds from the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act, General Assistance and the Native Employment Works Program. The Sicangu Nation Employment & Training Program has the flexibility to allow the staff to be more creative when developing employability plans and working with clients. They offer a summer youth work experience for ages 14-23 after graduation until July.
Contact: Chalee Chasing Hawk / chalee.chasinghawk@rst-nsn.gov / (605) 747-2393
Dates: June
Lakota Youth Development-Camps are based on traditional Wolakota values and are certified for Project Venture's Positive Prevention Model. Serving youth from Gregory, Todd, Mellette and Tripp counties in S.D.
Gabby Iron Shell at TCHS / 605.856.3503 or Office of LakotaYouth / 605.654.2050
Tiwahe Glu Kinipi Teen Horse Handler Training Camp-At Teen Horse Handler Training Camp teens learn to care for and work with the sunkawakan oyate, gaining knowledge in horsemanship, communication and Lakota culture. In addition to their work with the horses, the teens receive training in crucial life skills, setting them up for future success both on and off the ranch. After the completion of camp they are hired on part time at the ranch to assist with other youth horse camps and contribute to the ranch's daily operations throughout the summer.
Marlise White Hat / 605.856.8163
Sicangu Co.-As the economic engine of the Siċaŋġu Lak̇ota nation, Siċaŋġu Co’s purpose is to improve the financial and social well-being of our tribal relatives. We are guided and inspired by the 7Gen Vision, which imagines the type of world we’d like to see our descendants living in 175 years from now. We ask, How do we live today to create a healthy, just, abundant world for our grandchildren? Grounded in our ancestral and cultural wisdom, with a deep understanding of the profound challenges faced by our people, Siċaŋġu Co is working towards Wicozani, or “the good way of life” for the Siċaŋġu Oyate – holistic health, economic self-sufficiency, cultural revitalization, sustainable housing, food sovereignty, climate resilience, and shared, lasting prosperity.
Lexi White Hat / 605.856.8400
Cherry Todd Electrician Camp-Juniors and Seniors must apply for the scholarship to be considered for camp.
Chris Rahn
7th Gen Crazy Horse-This 8-week university program is for Seniors and located in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Students experience a full residential program while earning 12 colleg credits through a collaboration The Indian University of North America® of Crazy Horse Memorial and Black Hills State University - and including a paid internship experience at the Crazy Horse Memorial. Students complete their first semester of college through the 7TH GEN. Summer Program and are prepared to continue college, navigate career pathways, and experience community building with other high achieving students committed to higher education success.
Contact: Crazy Horse Memorial
Deadline to Apply: April 1
Dates: June 7 - August 2
Location: Crazy Horse, SD
Cost: Paid internship
Upward Bound-Application is for 9th and 10th grade, once in the program can continue through 12th grade. The goal of TRIO Upward Bound is to increase college enrollment and graduation rates for students from low-income households and/or those who will be the first in their families to attend college. The program provides academic support, emotional encouragement and assistance with the college application and financial aid process as a means of overcoming social barriers to higher education. It strives to teach students the skills they will need as they aspire to go to college. Supplemental academic instruction, after school tutoring, cultural enrichment activities, college visits, guidance counseling, ACT preparation, and college application and financial aid instruction are provided.
Contact: Joe Olivier / joseph.olivier@usd.edu / 605.688.6653
Deadline to Apply: ASAP only 20 spots left
Dates: 6 week
Location: University of South Dakota
Cost: Free
Humanity Launch Service Leadership Academy-For Juniors, the Humanity Launch Service Leadership Academy will prepare you to make a difference in your school and community. We’ll connect powerful, change-making lessons that will transform your worldview. This event will feature inspiring speakers, engaging activities, volunteer opportunities, and fun outings. Also, it will connect students to build a statewide platform for igniting a positive school and community culture.
Contact: Gregg Talcott / Gregg@TheHumanityLaunch.com / 605.26
Deadline to Apply: Until 70 spots filled
Dates: 2 days either June 2-4 or July 30-August 1
Location: Augustana
Cost: Free, transportation needed to and back
USD Health Careers Camp-The Healthcare Careers Summer Camp is for high school students interested in exploring health care professions. The program is open to students who will be Juniors and Seniors in high school in fall. Only 40 applications will be accepted this year.
Contact: Donis Drappeau / Donis.D.Drappeau@usd.edu / 605.658.6329
Deadline to Apply: May 12
Dates: June 8-13
Location: University of South Dakota
Cost: $100, financial aid awarded on need-based
STEM Summer Camp at School of Mines-South Dakota Mines offers STEM summer camps in the exciting world of science and engineering! You’ll get to roll up your sleeves with hands-on experiments, go on epic field trips, and learn from awesome professors who know what it’s like to work in STEM careers. Plus, you’ll be on a real college campus, getting a taste of what it’s like to learn and explore at South Dakota Mines.
Contact: admissions@sdsmt.edu / 605.394.2511
Deadline to Apply:
Dates: Various in June and July
Location: South Dakota Mines
Cost: Scholarships are available
Page Program for South Dakota Legislature at the Capitol-Each legislative session, high school students from across South Dakota have an opportunity for a firsthand look at the legislative process by serving as pages for the South Dakota Legislature. Pages are appointed to serve in the House of Representatives or the Senate for four to nine days during one of the five term periods.
Contact: Legislative Research Council / 605.773.3251 or Legislative Page Advisor / 605.773.5257
Deadline to Apply: Preferred October 4, Final October 18
Dates: Page terms of service are divided into five different time periods of 4 to 9 days each, as identified on the Page Terms Calendar.
Location: Capitol in Pierre
TurnUp Remote Civic Internship-TurnUp Activism is a progressive non-profit organization dedicated to making our nation more just, fair, and equitable for all by increasing youth activism and civic engagement to strengthen our democracy. Interns work in remote teams of mission-driven young people from around the country to help amplify youth civic engagement and participate in activism on many progressive/ social justice issues including climate change, racial justice, reproductive rights, ending gun violence, and combating voter suppression. The TurnUp internship program is fully remote. New interns are started at the beginning of each month. They accept high school, college, and graduate students. There is a flexible time commitment between 5-30 hours/week.
Deadline to Apply: No Deadline
Dates: Flexible 5-30 hours/week
Location: Remote
Cost: Free
INMED (Indians Into Medicine)-INMED is designed to increase awareness and motivation for health careers among AI/AN students by developing academic programs and recruiting and enrolling students in the proper curricula. INMED provides academic, social, and cultural support to assist students in successful completion of their programs of study. INMED administers summer and academic year programs for students in grades 7 through graduate and professional studies. The Summer Institute is a six-week residential academic enrichment program for American Indian students in grades 7 through 12 who are interested in health careers.
Contact: Kristina Olsen / tinaolcarol@gmail.com / 605.836.1828 or Maria Teachout / maria.teachout@gmail.com / 605.863.9476
Deadline to Apply: March 15
Dates: June 9 - July 10
Location: Grand Forks, North Dakota
Cost: Free, transportation is needed to and from program
National Summer Youth Practicum-One week practicum in Northern Colorado that focuses on natural resource professions, Tribal fish and wildlife management, professional development, and college preparedness. This program is for 10th - 12th grade (13 - 17 y/o) and enrolled or descended from US federally-recognized tribe.
Contact: Ashley Mueller / amueller@nafws.org / 303.466.1725 ext. 4
Deadline to Apply:
Location: Colorado
Cost: Free including travel to and from (airfare, mileage, etc.) but must be willing to possibly travel (fly on plane) alone
(SNH) Safeguarding Natural Heritage- SNH is a free summer outreach program to help students (14-17 y/o) explore careers in agricultural sciences within and outside the environs of a Tribal community. As an SNH student, you’ll live on a college campus for 2 weeks and learn from university professors and USDA experts—plant and animal scientists, biotechnologists, veterinarians, wildlife biologists, administrative professionals, and others. You’ll gain hands-on experience through labs, workshops, and field trips; participate in character- and team-building activities; and join in many other fun and educational events. The program also introduces you to sustainable agriculture and farming, with a view toward preserving your natural heritage and increasing awareness of the harm invasive species can do. It’s a great chance to explore the many exciting career paths in agriculture—not only within your own Tribal community, but also at USDA.
Contact: Terry W. Clark, D.V.M. Director / terry.w.clark@usda.gov / (301) 440-4388
Deadline to Apply: May 15
Dates: 2 weeks dates depending on which program is chosen
Location: Dine College Tsaile, AZ / Navajo Tech UN, Crownpoint, NM / UNC Pembroke, NC / College of Menominee Nation / Keshena, WI / Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College Cloquet, MN / Salish Kootenai College Pablo, MT
Cost: Free, transportation is needed to and from enrichment program
LEDA (Leadership Enterprise for a Diverse America)-Leadership Enterprise for a Diverse America (LEDA) empowers a community of exceptional young leaders from under-resourced backgrounds by supporting their higher education and professional success in order to create a more inclusive and equitable country. They offer a free five-week summer institute at Princeton University providing leadership training, writing classes, college guidance and college trips, ACT prep, and LEDA community. Juniors with a minimum GPA of 3.5 may apply.
Contact: leda@ledascholars.org / 646.582.3608
Deadline to Apply: December 11
Dates: 5 weeks during summer
Location: Princeton
Cost: Free
College Horizons-College Horizons is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to increasing the number of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian students succeeding in college and graduate programs. They provide a 6-day pre-college summer program preparing Native students for the college application process. Students write college entrance materials such as a personal essay, learn about 70+ colleges/universities, establish personal relationships with college admission representatives, and experience life on a college campus for a week. Must be a Sophomore or Junior with minimum 3.0.
Contact: General Inquiries / info@collegehorizons.org / 505.401.3854 or Application Inquiries / apply@collegehorizons.org / 505.414.0249
Deadline to Apply: January 29
Dates: 1 week varies in June and July
Location: Varies at top colleges, this year Hawaii Prep Academy, Yale, or Northwestern
Cost: Free, airfare financial assistance available
NNAYI (National Native American Youth Initiative)- The National Native American Youth Initiative (NNAYI) is an intense enrichment program funded by the Association of American Indian Physicians and the Front Line Indigenous Partnership program (FLIP) based at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) Department of Emergency Medicine and the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative NNAYI is designed to prepare American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) high school students to remain in the academic pipeline and pursue a career in the health professions and//or biomedical research. NNAYI’s curriculum is presented in lectures, interactive workshops, and field trips. Students aged 16-18 and interested in the medical field may apply. NOTICE: The NNAYI Program is NOT a summer camp or sightseeing trip. It is an intense program with a rigorous schedule of all-day sessions and activities that may involve a lot of walking.
Contact: mknight@aaip.org / 405.946.7072
Deadline to Apply: April 11
Dates: June 21 - 29
Location: Washington DC
Cost: Free, airfare is included
NYLC (National Youth Leadership Conference)-The National Student Leadership Conference provides an immersive pre-college experience that prepares students for life beyond middle and high school, allowing them to study in university classrooms, learn to navigate a campus, and experience living with roommates. Students are able to explore a career concentration they are interested in before going into college and declaring a major. Each NSLC program also contains a leadership curriculum designed to teach skills that can apply to all areas of life. For high school programs, students must be between the ages of 14-18 and have completed at least one year of high school. Students may attend NSLC through the summer following high school graduation.
Deadline to Apply: For the scholarship, March 12. NSLC will continue to accept applications if space is available in a program or on a program’s waitlist. The online enrollment application will display all current availability.
Dates: Varies, mostly for 1 week during the summer
Location: Various in the US and in different countries
Cost: Varies $4000- $5000, fundraising and scholarships available
Rustic Pathways Summer Abroad Experience-Rustic Pathways is a student travel company that inspires travelers to better know their world. For over 40 years Rustic Pathways has helped students get their hands dirty and their hearts full. Today, Rustic Pathways spans over 20 countries, employing 30 full-time and over 500 seasonal staff. They've evolved, but the mission remains: empowering students to positively impact communities worldwide. Some of the work has been building homes on the Thai-Burma border, supporting global elephant conservation in Thailand, protecting endangered turtle species in Costa Rica and Greece, awarding scholarships to students worldwide, and inspiring youth to launch their own nonprofits and NGOs.
Contact: rustic@rusticpathways.com
Deadline to Apply:
Dates: Varies
Location: Various countries
Cost: Varies $2000- $7000, fundraising and scholarships available
SEGL (The School for Ethics and Global Leadership)-SEGL's mission is to provide intellectually motivated high school Juniors who represent the diversity of the United States with the best possible opportunity to shape themselves into ethical leaders who create positive change in our world. SEGL is a selective, semester-long residential program for students who have shown outstanding character, promise for leadership, and scholastic ability; students also reflect the racial, socioeconomic, and geographic diversity of the United States. SEGL provides students with a unique curriculum emphasizing ethical thinking skills, leadership development, and international affairs. We have locations in Washington, DC, Johannesburg, South Africa, and London, England.
Contact: admissions@schoolforethics.org / 202.684.7044
Deadline to Apply:
Dates: Fall and Spring semesters, as well as Summer Institute
Location: Washington DC, Johannesburg, South Africa, or London, England
Cost: Varies $17,000-$39,000, SEGL meets the full demonstrated financial need of admitted students